Please join us
We need your support to tackle poverty and injustice. Please sign up as a Skillshare International supporter to help us campaign, raise awareness and raise money. Working together we can build a better world. Find out more about what you can do in our new leaflet.
Campaigning: |
On its own development work is only
part of the solution: if we're going
to make a real difference we need to
join with others and shout out about
injustice. Skillshare International
campaigns with many other people and
organisations, standing together in
unity. Please join us.
Campaigning can be as simple as signing
a petition, or as challenging as joining
a demonstration. Whatever you do, your
voice will be heard.
here to find out more about campaigning
Raising awareness: |
It's important for ordinary citizens
to understand how where they shop, what they buy and
how they vote are linked to the causes
of poverty and injustice that many people
face. By getting involved in development
awareness activities, supporters can
help us to bring knowledge and understanding
of development and global issues to
new audiences. By helping people make
informed decisions we will change
the world.
here to find out more about raising
Raising money: |
One of the best and most fun ways of
supporting us is by raising money. There
are a million and one ways to do it,
from sponsored silences, to marathon
runs, to donating the loose coins found
in the back of your sofa! We need more
money to sustain and grow our work in
Africa and Asia, so please
here to find out more about raising
Skillshare International has supporters in over 30 countries across
the globe - including the UK and in Africa
and Asia, where we work. Wherever
you are, you are welcome to join us.
Please sign up now.
Sign up
We will not share your details with
other organisations.
Please note that we usually only
send paper copies of the newsletter to UK-based
supporters. This helps us to keep our costs
down. Supporters everywhere can receive the
newsletter by email.