

Campaigning to beat poverty, injustice and inequality

Why campaign? Changing the way the world works is the most powerful way to make a lasting difference, it's simple and cost-effective to do. In fact you can do it now on this website. Please take at least one of the actions listed!

Latest action - The UK spending challenge - make the case for international development and show your support for some of the world's most vulnerable communities. PLEASE TAKE ACTION


Join the Push For The Pool

Calling for a Patent Pool to improve access to treatment

A patent pool supported by international governments and drug companies can lower the cost of AIDS treatment and encourage development of more drugs.
Life is priceless, medicine is not - click here to show your support.


Campaigns we are supporting - click on the logos to take action

stop AIDS campaign
HIV and AIDS causes poverty and suffering on a terrible scale in the countries where we work. We are campaigning to ensure international governments do everything they can to stop it.

Trade Justice Movement
We want international trade that works for the people with the least money.  Right now the rich are calling the shots. This campaign is part of our commitment to justice and economic empowerment.