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Strengthening the voice of women in small-scale fisheries

Skillshare International is working in partnership with the National Institute for the Development of Small-scale Fisheries (IDPPE) in Mozambique on a four-year project to reduce poverty and hunger amongst vulnerable fishing communities by supporting women working in the sector.

Women waiting for the day's catchMozambique is one of the poorest countries in the world; more than 50% of the population lives below the poverty line. Half a million people depend on fishing activities for their livelihood, and small-scale fishing is vital for food security and rural employment.

The number of women working in the  sector has increased significantly, but it remains a male-dominated environment. Women often face discrimination and violence, rarely own  resources such as boats and nets, and are under-represented in decision-making bodies.

The focus of this project is on women and children; female entrepreneurs are empowered with the skills and knowledge to influence policies that have an impact on their lives, families and livelihoods. Through opportunities to participate in training and skills development activities, women working in the small-scale fishing sector are increasing productivity and improving their access to markets. The project also aims to raise awareness of human rights and gender equity issues.

Irish Aid logoThe project started in June 2011 and is part-funded by Irish Aid, but we still need to raise additional funds. If you would like to support Skillshare International's work with small-scale fishing communities in Mozambique, or any of our other projects, please click the give button at the top of the page to make a secure online donation or contact info@skillshare.org.