'The ENABLE Challenge' Stretch
your pound Fun and flexible activities that challenge you and support Skillshare International's work in South Africa. "The substantial need for adult education for learners with disabilities should be addressed as a matter of urgency to facilitate optimal involvement of adults in community and work life." 'Quality Education For All', NCSNET "We want to be confident in counting money and to read where the bus is going. We need to know how to write our names and would like to read the newspapers." ENABLE Learners Get involved in our two week challenge and ENABLE this to happen! Take the challenge, make a difference! The ENABLE
challenge is meant to be fun! It's up to you how hard or easy you make
Your appeal pack will contain all the information and ideas necessary to complete the challenge. Here are some of the ideas: Entertainment
evenings: How ENABLE helps:
Your Pound For an appeal pack or more information on 'The ENABLE Challenge' please contact Stephanee Mousley on 0116 257 6615 or email supporters@skillshare.org Any money
raised by this appeal which is not required for ENABLE will be used
by Skillshare International to support similar projects. |
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