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Meet our team of fantastic fundraisers



Angel of the North

 On 19th September 2010, Cathy Lowe ran the Great North Run, raising more than £600 to support our work.




Joelle TurnerThe only way is up

On 15th August 2010, Joelle Turner from Leicester started a six-day trek towards the dizzy heights of Mount Kilimanjaro. Unfortunately, due to altitude sickness, she was unable to make it to the top and at 3,700m had to turn back, yet she still managed to raise more than £1,000 for our work - a fantastic effort! 


Maddy ran the London MarathonGoing the distance

When she ran the London Marathon, Maddy raised more than £870 to support our work.






Katie and her friends brave icy waters


Making a splash

Katie Allan (left) raised over £300 when she braved an icy outdoor swimming pool with her friends Sarah and Hazel in London - in December!  Katie is currently volunteering with Skillshare International in Kenya, where she is supporting the Greater Horn of Africa Rainwater Project as a Communications Officer. 

 Delhi hal marathon


Delhi half marathon stars

Skillshare International's staff and supporters ran the Delhi half marathon in India.  Together they raised more than £650 to support our work with indigenous Tribal communities and survivors of human trafficking.

Dublin marathon

Dublin marathon supports football programme

Sammie and Anna raised £660 in the Dublin marathon to support our Coaching for Hope programme, which uses the power of football to raise young people's awareness of HIV and build valuable life skills.