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International Citizen Service with Skillshare International

Our training sessions were designed to help volunteers make the most of their ICS experience.

  • Team work in South AfricaPreparing for departure: Once selected, volunteers took part in pre-departure training with other volunteers to help them understand development issues and prepare for living and working in a different culture.

  • In country: Orientation training before starting the development project helped volunteers to become familiar with the culture in which they would be working and to brief them on their project or work placement, as well as on how to stay safe while on the placement. Skillshare International staff in our local offices provided support during the placements.

UK Action

ICS logoOnce volunteers had returned to the UK, they looked at what they had learnt from their time overseas and took part in further training to help them make the most of their experiences.

ICS volunteers have been helped and encouraged to continue fighting global poverty, through campaigning or other volunteering opportunities, and to share what they've learnt with others.