- Fundraising ideas
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There are lots of different ways you can join us to tackle poverty, injustice and inequality. Whether you choose to fundraise for our work, make a regular donation, campaign on development issues or volunteer in your nearest office or internationally, together we can make a difference.
One of the most fun ways to support us is by raising money. There are a million and one ways to do it, from summer BBQ parties and sponsored sport events, to simply donating the loose coins found down the back of your sofa!
We need more money to sustain and grow our work in Africa and Asia - and we need your help! Find out more...
It's important for all of us to understand how our everyday decisions and choices are linked to the causes of poverty and injustice that many people face. By getting involved in development awareness activities, supporters can help us to bring knowledge and understanding of development and global issues to new audiences. By helping people make informed decisions, together we can change the world!
Are you a former development worker or international volunteer? Find out more about how you can continue to support Skillshare International as part of our alumni...
Introduce us to your social club or faith group - our returned development workers can give talks about their first-hand experience to groups in your area. If you're interested in hosting an event or speaking about development issues at an event in the UK, please contact Katie at supporters@skillshare.org or on + 44 (0)116 257 6615.
Skillshare International has supporters in more than 30 countries across the globe - including the UK and in Africa and Asia, where we work. Wherever you are, you are welcome to join us.