Southern Africa Regional Programme
In 2000, we established a regional office in
Pretoria, to support the emerging regional programmes
in Southern Africa. The role of this office is:
- To support individual country offices in developing
their capacity to deliver programme objectives;
- To develop regional programmes that address cross-border
- To develop our ability to access resources in Southern
Skillshare International identified 3 sectors with
potential for regional programmes:
The HIV/AIDS epidemic has had a negative impact in terms
of human resource development and economic growth of
many SADC (Southern African Development Community) countries.
This makes HIV/AIDS the single largest threat to survival
of society in the Southern African region. The negative
impact on life expectancy in the region is a matter
that cannot be over-emphasised. The need to focus and
work in partnership with SADC regional institutions
is critical for Skillshare International's work in the
Environmentally, Southern Africa faces a range of challenges
that include soil degradation, desertification, limited
water resources, and domestic and industrial pollution.
The rural and peri-urban poor, who rely on wood and
kerosene for energy, encounter great difficulties in
accessing natural resources in a sustainable manner.
Skillshare International as a partner in sustainable
development has a major role to play in supporting and
jointly forming regional partnerships aimed at realising
optimum utilisation of environmental resources in the
Education, Training and Employment
In SADC countries and Africa in general, there has been
inadequate effort to address socio-economic needs of
the majority of the population. The full development
of education, training and employment mechanisms, and
sustainable development, in any country cannot be achieved
in isolation of the inputs and involvement of other
partners. Skillshare International’s focus has
been on forming regional partnerships with stakeholders
to improve education and training and employment possibilities
in the region.
The 2 crosscutting themes within the sectors are set
out below:
Economic Empowerment
Another main challenge facing the SADC region is the
high level of poverty experienced in some member states.
Income generation and entrepreneurship is an important
and sustainable approach towards alleviation of poverty.
Skillshare International sees itself as a partner in
providing innovative ways to support regional institutions
that focus on economic empowerment and entrepreneurial
skills development.
Good Governance, Democracy and
Human Rights
Most SADC countries are currently undergoing transformation
in the areas of governance, democratic principles and
human rights. Human development potential, economic
growth and sustainable development is closely associated
with good governance and human rights. In this regard,
Skillshare International commits itself to support jointly
with other regional partners the realisation of good
governance, democratic principles and respect for individual
and group rights within the region.
The regional programme has created links between partner
organisations across borders. These linkages have assisted
organisations that may be working in isolation in their
own country to gain valuable support from a similar
organisation in another country. Furthermore, the regional
programme has facilitated the setting up of joint projects
with partner organisations working in different countries.
SADC has identified the strengthening of regional integration
and institutions as a key objective in its attempt to
achieve an integrated approach to human development.
To this end Skillshare International commits itself
to include NGOs, the business community and other civil
society organisations in programmes, policy setting
agendas, and planning and implementation of projects
where the necessary expertise exists.
The New Partnership for Africa's Development (NEPAD)
is based on a vision of eradicating poverty in African
countries and placing countries, individually and collectively
on a path of sustainable growth and development. In
order to end the present state of underdevelopment,
a range of resources are required; these include capital,
technology and human skills. In order to mobilise these
resources new partnerships will need to be developed,
partnerships that are based on shared responsibility
and mutual interest.
Skillshare International, through its regional programme,
coupled with its expertise gained in the individual
country programmes, is well placed to play a positive
role in the strengthening of organisations across the
Partner Development Programme
Since 1997, Skillshare International has been developing
a new capacity building initiative known as the Partner
Development Programme (PDP). The main component of the
programme is the Leadership Development Programme (LDP),
whose purpose is to develop the ability of key community,
non-governmental (NGO) and civil society leaders to
provide effective strategic leadership to their organisations
and the wider development community in southern Africa.
The programme was launched in 1999 in response to the
popularity and success of an initial series of 3 leadership
development workshops facilitated by Skillshare International
for NGO, community based organisations (CBO) and government
institution leaders in Southern Africa. With initial
funding support from DFID, the programme drew in organisational
leaders from 4 countries in Southern Africa, this was
subsequently extended to 6 Southern African countries.
The LDP is based on an approach to development that
recognises the inter-dependence between economic and
social development, organisational development and personal
"This innovative programme has been highly
valued by the participants for its relevance to their
personal development as leaders and for their work with
staff teams and colleagues to address processes within
their organisations ...There is early evidence that,
in most cases, participants are playing more facilitative
and enabling roles within their organisations. Most
participants have been able to effect changes already
that are beginning to embed principles of continuous
improvement and team working to good practical effect
in their workplaces"
DFID evaluation report February 2000
programme partner organisations top
of page
Southern Africa Development Community (SADC): The
regional HIV/AIDS Behaviour Change Communication (BCC)
capacity building project came about following a comprehensive
proposal developed with a wide range of stakeholders
in Botswana, Lesotho, Namibia and Swaziland (BLNS),
who are now participating in the project. The assessment
revealed that there is a capacity gap across the 4 countries
in communication strategies and technical expertise
in BCC, advocacy, monitoring and evaluation. The project
will respond to the identified needs by placing 4 development
workers over 3 years to support and strengthen youth
focused and gender sensitive behaviour change communication.
This is part of an effort to support an ongoing SADC/DFID
multi-sectoral BCC strategic intervention to reduce
HIV/AIDS infections in the 4 countries. It will build
and strengthen the capacity of partner organisations
in behaviour change communication programme in those
Baylor Children's Centre of Excellence (COE) is
based in Botswana. The aim of the partnership between
Baylor and Skillshare International is to share learning
across Southern African countries in HIV/AIDS. To enable
the sharing of experiences and best practices between
Baylor Botswana Children's Clinic of Excellence, National
ARV Programme in Botswana and Swaziland Hospice at Home,
Skillshare International facilitated a workshop in Lesotho.
Action for Conflict Transformation Support Centre
International Federation of Red Cross and Red Crescent
Societies, Harare (IFRC)