here to find out about Skillshare International's
partner organisations in Mozambique.
Country Programme
In Mozambique, Skillshare International works in
health, education, environment, management, food production
and rural development. We do this mainly through development
worker placements and leadership training.
AIDS has killed tens of thousands in Mozambique and
three million people, one in six of the population,
is HIV positive.
Partner Organisations
Institute for the Development of Small Scale
Fisheries (IDPPE): IDPPE is a small scale
fisheries institute under the direct responsibility
of the government, which is represented in all the
provinces of Mozambique under the Ministry of Fisheries.
The partnership is on finance, technical assistance
and rural development, including development worker
placements and leadership training.
Mavalane General Hospital is
a Mozambican NGO working in the health sector.
This includes HIV/AIDS and nutrition, water and sanitation,
and education. One of the current projects on HIV/AIDS
focuses on awareness raising and training local leaders
who influence community thinking. This means working
with government authorities, administrative authorities,
traditional leaders, political authorities, youth
and women leaders, and religious leaders, including
traditional doctors.
Contact: Mr. Hilario Alberto Sitoe or Dr. Matilde
Address: Bairro 25 de Junho B, Rua D Nr. 483, Maputo.
Eduardo Mondlane University (UEM) is
the biggest university in Mozambique and is run by
the government. Skillshare International has placed
a development worker in the English Training Course
Section of the Arts Department.
Pedagogic University (UP) is a government
university specialising in training teachers who are
then placed in secondary schools in Mozambique. The
main headquarters of the university are in Maputo
and there are branches in Nampula and Beira.
Catholic University is a private
university owned by the Catholic Church and teaches
mainly science. Two Skillshare International development
workers are currently on placements in Cuamba and
in Nampula.
Prospective partners: Skillshare
International has been approached by a number of Mozambican
local NGOs including ATAP, MAFAVUCA, KULIMA, ARA and
AJDR, who are seeking to establish links in areas
such as health, education, rural development and environment.
We envisage cooperation will include development worker
placements and leadership training.
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