


£10 a month really makes a difference. For example:

  • Training occupational health therapists in Tanzania and Uganda improves the lives of people affected by disability and old age.
  • Setting up micro-health insurance co-operatives helps local communities in India to access vital medicines and healthcare.

With payroll giving, your donation is taken from your before-tax pay by your employer. For £5 donated to Skillshare International, a 22% tax-payer will see just £3.90 less in their take-home pay.

If you're a higher-rate tax payer, the big plus with payroll giving is that you can take advantage of even more tax relief over the standard Gift Aid rate. For a donation of £10 to Skillshare International each month, a 40% tax-payer will see just £6 less in their take-home pay.

To give as you earn, ask your employer (try the Human Resources department or whoever is responsible for personnel issues) whether they offer a payroll giving scheme.

If so, you'll complete a simple form saying how much you would like to give to Skillshare International from each pay-packet.

If not, contact us and we'll tell your employer about the grants currently on offer for setting up a payroll giving scheme.

If you're an employer who hasn't signed up, that's great! - tell us and we'll tell you about how simple it is to set up a payroll giving scheme. You may also be able to receive a grant of up to £500 from the Government (for companies with less than 500 employees). For more information on this, contact Kate on 0116 254 1862 or email