
A steady stream of income is vital if our work is to continue and to grow. Regular gifts can really make a difference, for example:

  • Training women in India as village health workers prevents children dying from common diseases such diarrhoea and malaria.
  • Training teacher-trainers in Lesotho gives more children the chance to go to primary school.

Just £5 a month from you is worth nearly £100 a year to our work if you Gift Aid it.
£100 once a year is worth £641 over 5 years with Gift Aid.

To set up a regular gift by direct debit securely online, please click here. If you would like us to send you a direct debit form by post, please provide your postal address details to or telephone + 44 (0) 116 254 1862.

To make a single donation to Skillshare International's work, please click here.