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Other opportunities to join Skillshare International

Organising a charity auctionFundraisers

We're looking for creative and enthusiastic people with great ideas and lots of energy! 

Could you organise a fundraising event or take part in a sponsored activity to raise money to support our work in Africa and Asia?

From sponsored swims and sky-dives to boot sales and black tie balls, we'd love to hear from you and have a chat about your ideas and how we can help make them happen!

Please contact us at communications@skillshare.org or on 0116 254 1862 (from outside the UK it's + 44 116 254 1862) - there's even a free t-shirt in it for you!


Helping us to recruit new international volunteersEvent volunteers

Skillshare International regularly attends events to raise our profile and recruit new supporters, international volunteers and fundraisers. We couldn't do it without the support of our event volunteers.

If you're interested in helping out at an event, please contact us at supporters@skillshare.org or on 0116 254 1862. As well as a great day meeting and working with people who are really passionate about development issues, we provide refreshments, meals, a Skillshare International t-shirt and we'll even cover your travel expenses within the UK.


Medical electives in India

Skillshare International offers medical students the opportunity to complete a six-week elective in India.

Students are placed with one of our partner organisations where they are able to develop a deeper understanding of global and local issues relating to health, social inequality and international development. Find out more.